Sunday 12 October 2014

Queen of procrastination

I have been sitting on my bed trying to start doing some work, but I can't! Its all so hard and boring... I just can't get myself to do it.
I was doing so well for about a week. I mean, I was getting home and wirting up notes like I never before!
What happened?
I envy the life of the Youtube stars! I know they have to work somewhat hard, but they're earning so so much for doing something so fun! I would love to go shopping for myself and then film myself showing my wonderful clothes to people (like me) sitting on their bums watching whislt at the back of my mind knowing I am meant to be doing something productive instead of going green.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy studying psychology. Its incredibly interesting and eye-opening, but its not something I find easy. And reading the journal articles? The text books?
No thanks. That stuff is written in a way which makes me feel like I'm in year 6 again, reading my big brother's text books and pretending like I understand what on Earth its talking about. Which, naturally, I don't. Nor did I ever.

I must go back to staring at pdf files and powerpoints now!


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